ACADEMY REALISM AESTHETIC MOVEMENT IMPRESSIONISM MODERN SCULPTURE SYMBOLISM POST-IMPRESSIONISM NEO-IMPRESSIONISM ART NOUVEAU   First underground railway opens in London   Alexander Graham Bell patents telephone   Thomas Edison patents light bulb   Canadian-Pacific railway opens   Eiffel Tower completed in Paris   Wilhelm Rontgen discovers X-rays   First Zeppelin airship launched in Germany   Guglielmo Marconi transmits wireless signals across the Atlantic   Completion of Aswan Dam on the Nile   First successful flight by the Wright Brothers   Herman Melville, Moby Dick   Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin   Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary   Charles Dickens, Great Expectations   Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace (Part 1)   Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment   First performance of Richard Wagner's opera Das Rheingold   George Eliot, Middlemarch   Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer   Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House   First part of Oxford English Dictionary is completed   Last Impressionist exhibition in Paris   Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage   Georges Melies, A Trip to the Moon   Second Republic dissolved in France. Napoleon III takes power as emperor   Britain and France join Crimean War   Crimean War ends   Abolition of slavery in United States   President Abraham Lincoln assassinated   King of Prussia becomes Emperor Wilhelm I of a united Germany   Britain buys Suez Canal   Germany signs alliance with Russia and Austria   New Zealand becomes first country to grant women the vote   Beginning of Dreyfus affair in France   Spanish-American War. America gains Philippines and Puerto Rico   Boxer Rebellion in China suppressed by foreign intervention   Death of Queen Victoria (1819-1901)   Gustave Courbet independently exhibits outside the Exposition Universalle, Paris   Albert Memorial completed in Hyde Park, London   Monet and Renoir paint at La Grenouillere, near Paris   Metropolitan Museum, New York, is founded   Vendome Column destroyed during Paris Commune   First Impressionist exhibition, Paris   Statue of Liberty is unveiled in New York   Van Gogh and Gauguin paint in Arles   Paul Gauguin departs for Tahiti   Gustav Klimt and others found Vienna Secession | MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY CUBISM FUTURISM COLLAGE READYMADE SUPREMATISM DADA DE STIJL CONSTRUCTIVISM   Russo-Japanese War ends, Russia defeated   Finland is the first country to give women the vote   Mahatma Gandhi begins campaign of non-violent resistance in South Africa   NAACP established in USA   U.S. Supreme Court breaks up Standard Oil   The Titanic strikes an iceberg and sinks   Worldwide influenza epidemic kills millions   Benito Mussolini comes to power   Adolf Hitler publishes Mein Kampf   Albert Einstein publishes paper on special theory of relativity   First successful parachute jump   Henry Ford develops first moving assembly line in Detroit   Completion of Panama Canal   Invention of the first armoured vehicle: the tank   First successful helicopter flight   Upton Sinclair, The Jungle   Birth of Indian cult leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi   Marcel Proust, A la recherche du temps perdu (Volume 1)   Charlie Chaplin begins making films   D.W. Griffiths, The Birth of a Nation   James Joyce publishes Ulysses in Paris   George Gershwin completes Rhapsody in Blue   Picasso and Braque begin to develop Synthetic Cubism   Marinetti publishes Futurist Manifesto   Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter founded in Munich   Kazimir Malevich launches Suprematism   Dada movement launched in Zurich   Theo van Doesburg launches De Stijl   Russian Imperial Academy abolished   Walter Gropius founds the Bauhaus School   Hans Prinzhorn, The Artistry of the Mentally Ill   Andre Breton publishes Surrealist Manifesto | SURREALISM BAUHAUS ART DECO NEUE SACHLICHKEIT/ NEW OBJECTIVITY TOTALITARIAN ART SOCIAL REALISM WELDED METAL SCULPTURE   Stock Market Crash leads to Great Depression   Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany   Germany invades Poland Starts WWII (1939-1945)   France falls to German invasion   Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor brings USA into WWII   Penicillin isolated by Alexander Fleming   Edwin Hubble announces that the universe is expanding   Empire State Building is completed   The Richter Scale completed by seismologist Charles Richter   Precursor to first computer is outlined by Alan Turing   Xerography invented by Chester Carlson   First nuclear reactor built by Enrico Fermi   Microwave oven invented by Percy Spenser   D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover   Nation of Islam founded by Wallace Ford Muhammad   Aldous Huxley, Brave New World   Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer   Frank Lloyd Wright builds Falling Water, Bear Run, PA   Earnest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls   Citizen Kane is released in cinemas   John Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness   George Orwell, Animal Farm   Precisionist Charles Sheeler documents Ford's River Rouge plant, Michigan   Museum of Modern Art opens in New York   Walter Benjamin writes essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"   Walker Evans and others document America as part of New Deal   Laszlo Moholy-Nagy begins teaching at the School of Design, Chicago   Matisse begins cut-paper collage technique | ART INFORMEL ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM KINETIC ART OP ART ASSEMBLAGE   India gains independence from Britain   Korean War begins   Dwight Eisenhower becomes US president   Treaty of Rome establishes European Economic Union   Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba   The transistors is invented at Bell Telephone Laboratories   Francis Crick and James Watson discover structure of DNA   Launch of Sputnik I, first artificial satellite   Theodore Maiman produces first laser   Anti-Communist HUAC hearings in Hollywood   JD Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye   JRR Tolkein publishes first instalments of Lord of the Rings   First performance of John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger   Jack Keroac, On the Road   Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita   Jean Dubuffet causes scandal with exhibition at Galerie Rene Drouin   Jackson Pollock begins drip paintings   The Abstract Expressionist ‘Irascibles’ protest against Metropolitan Museum   Robert Rauschenberg, Erased De Kooning Drawing   Jasper Johns begins work on Flag   Clement Greenberg, "American-Type Painting"   Jackson Pollock dies in car crash | POP ART FLUXUS ARTE POVERA MINIMALISM POST-MINIMALISM CONCEPTUAL ART PERFORMANCE ART LAND ART   East German government builds Berlin Wall   Cuban missile crisis   John F. Kennedy assassinated   Malcolm X assassinated   Cultural Revolution begins in China   Six Day War. Israel defeats Egypt, Syria and Jordan   Yuri Gagarin becomes first man in space   Broadcast of first transatlantic television signals via satellite   Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover cosmic background radiation   Christiaan Barnard completes first successful heart transplant   Neil Armstrong becomes first man on moon   Roy Lichtenstein stages his first Pop art exhibition   Andy Warhol stages his first Pop art exhibition   Marcel Duchamp retrospective, Pasadena, CA   Clement Greenberg curates "Post-Painterly Abstraction"   Joseph Kosuth creates One and Three Chairs   Survey of Minimalism, "Primary Structures," at Jewish Museum, NY   Valerie Solanas shoots Andy Warhol   Survey of Conceptual art, "Information," at MoMA, NY   Robert Smithson creates Spiral Jetty |